Dear RentMen visitors, Adoliz chose to answer 15 interview questions that were last updated on 03 Feb 2016


  • What are your hobbies? What do you like to do in your spare time?
    I HAVEEEE SOOOO MANNNYYY HOBBIESS. I can yoyo, play the guitar including rifts, sweeps, and solos. I love anything outdoors from fishing, to camping, to swimming, to hiking, bike riding, I love dancing, clubbing, stRolling at raves and parties. I love fitness and eating healthy. I live for the era of healthy organic, nongmo quality foods. I love sleeping hahaha especially after leg day. I LOVEEEEE HALAL MAN, love Marea, love Per Se, I like a lot of things, Love a lot of things, dislike a lot of things, hate a lot of things too. Very much human
  • How do you go that ‘extra mile' in your life?
    Where do I begin ahaha. I'm such a try hard at everything I do. From my strict diet to my workout regime, my life is top gun. I do everything exceptionally from brushing my beautiful teeth, to drinking water, stretching, my business, my finances. I see in double vision and "push it to the limit". My modeling career is taking off as well as my affinity for acting. I strive to be paramount in everything I do, if my life was a picture it would be paramount. From high school I started going the extra mile, by actually running an extra mile ahaha kidding. Again though, I was always at the front of my class, working my ass off and trumping talent with pure unwavering discipline. I invented the extra mile, I ran it, I pursued it, I admired and adored it. Adolis-The All American.
  • If you have to pick one thing that everyone else should absolutely know about you, what would it be?
    I was born in California and loved walking the beaches as a kid. I am legend...
  • What do you do for fun?
    I play the guitar, follow cooking recipes, watch television seldomly, I love going out clubbing and raving, anything to do with lights and music. I love everything outdoors. I always have an amazing time traveling. I've been to many many many major cities.:). Most of my day is consumed through food...ha pun;). My gym sessions are short but they are a process in themselves. I stick to my personal agenda and hardly find time to do anything but gym, shopping, dining, and sleeping.
  • Tell us what you consider to be your greatest life experience.
    Ultimately my best experiences in life have been in the company of family and friends. Some of my favorite experiences have been traveling to la jolla in San Diego. I really had an epiphany standing by the sidewalk in the northern part of la jolla, the scintillating ocean and beach captivate even the darkest gloomiest souls. There's also the view of San Diego completely from up there, you seem to be standing on top of the world with only the wind disheveling you.
  • What makes you stand out from the crowd?
    My incredible size, strength, height, and then there's also my sexy face and my long beautiful feet. I am truly one massive individual. My perception through photography is often deceiving. If you met me in person you would be shocked of my physical dominance and masculine superiority over you, I have an aura of destruction about me. Although I wear it lightly and have been taught to be as humble as possible. You will enjoy my sexy enthusiastic personality more than my aura of attraction. My smile and personality will draw you nearer and nearer, soon you will find yourself at my fingertips with my provacative looks and voice captivating your senses.
  • What are your greatest personal traits?
    My strength, my courage, my ability to problem solve and deal with my own personal weaknesses. I have a history of bad childhood experiences and I deal with them on a daily basis. It's not an easy lifestyle but I always remember to keep my head up and chive on.
  • How often do you travel? Do you prefer to travel or you are more of a homebody?
    I travel many times a month. I have been all over the states from sea to shining sea. I've traveled across the United States three times in my lifetime and plan on continuing my adventures. Traveling is an affinity of mine and I believe adventures are what set me apart from everyone else. I have been to almosy all of the states.
  • What kind of diet and fitness regiment do you follow?
    I currently do the Fst-7 fascia workouts. The workout involves doing 7 sets of 7 repetitions with other various techniques to really get a great pump xoxo. I do hiit cardio often. I am a legend, nothing more than a story and a dream. I am product of one deceased individuals will, he woke my dormant virtues and ambitions. Me and him do not share the same ideology though, do not confuse this. I owe my success and my drive to him, I owe my physical strength, mental strength and iron will to him.
  • What’s your lifestyle? What makes you who you are?
    My strict diet regime and healthy organic lifestyle is what made me. I go to the gym 5 days a week and keep my diet as healthy as possible through mental caloric counting. I eat balanced meals of healthy fats, healthy proteins and healthy carbohydrates.
  • What would you like your followers to know about you that is unique and even a bit personal?
    An esoteric biography of mine. The reason I look how I look, act how I act, behave how I behave, live how I live, fight as I fight:

    My 19th birthday was my rebirth, I was insidiously left in a satanic, hellish place to fend for myself. The sand by wavy waters was where I waited for work. I joined the collection of unskilled laborers, mixing mud, stocking thousands and thousands of cinder blocks blistering my hands, feet, cheeks, legs, pride, mental composure. I was building foundations and losing my own. Soon enough the Pain had become pleasure, I struggled crawling back to my only sanctuary home, my heaven I returned to, heavily disheveled. The world ceased to turn on 4:20:2015, tears raided the deepest parts of my existence, my blood boiled, skies deluged the soil of my soul for my dreams to bloom. With that said acquiescently, I have survived and now live to travel, accomplish my dreams. I go to raves to form friendships and dance all night. I played the guitar for 5 years and learned everything from rifts to sweeps, solos and even some music theory.
  • If you and I were on the beach having some wine and great food, what would you tell me about yourself.
    I would tell you a short biography of myself and then ask about your life in the same respect. Following my shocking and disheartening story I will run into the ocean with you, you will find that my bonafide personality will wash your worries away and with joy and happiness your final resolve will be comforting. We could go camping, fishing, hiking, jogging virtually anything physical you can count me in. One time when my group of friends were out fishing I managed to catch a small fish in the creek. My friends chided me with claims that I couldn't do it and were astounded when I reeled that sucker up. I've always been a great fisherman, patience is a great feature of mine. I was always the one who tried hard, I was a very sore loser! Still am. I have strong will and ambition in everything I do:).
  • What should others absolutely know about you?
    Sports sports sportS, can't tell you enough how important it is for everyone to know the sports I played. These sports include soccer, football, and basketball. I have a scar on my elbow from my cousin hitting my arm with a ceramic plate, the scar on my head is from one of my mothers boyfriends chasing me while I was young. I thought it was a game when he was punishing me, I ran and had slipped on the wet floor because my mother had been mopping. Quite the unfortunate scenario. I have broken my arm twice, the first was when I decided to play football in the 7th grade. I was running a play in a double wing offense and had taken it upon myself to try and drive my coach to the benches. He hit me hard with a mat and it knocked me on my a$$. I braced for impact with my arms and due to my lack of football experience I suffered a compound fracture. The second break was after I lost a card game to my best friend because he had a really jacked up card lmao...dick
  • What do you enjoy most about yourself?
    I am the epitome of all fine male specimen. I lead the world in men's physique. I haven't decided to do a bodybuilding competition because I want to be the pinnacle and paramount of all when I do. I love my incredible height and size. I love my charisma and good vibes.
  • Name 5 things that you can’t live without.
    My Gym
    My Diet
    My ribeye
    My family
    My friends