Dear RentMen visitors, BluCollarRealMan chose to answer 5 interview questions that were last updated on 29 Mar 2024


  • If you and I were on the beach having some wine and great food, what would you tell me about yourself.
    I would tell you, (I hate wine, son. Go get your DAD a beer!) 😆
  • What’s your lifestyle? What makes you who you are?
    I am a DAD 24/7. It is not a role. It is not a kink. It is not fake or forced. It is so incredibly fluid and it is something I am very proud of.

    I genuinely love being a father-figure, a mentor, trainer, and a role model. Being DAD is very natural for ME and it comes out the most during intimate times with MY boys.

    I love being the rough DADDY who can absolutely destroy a boys hole. . . . . but not be so full of myself that I am afraid to be affectionate and snuggle on him (because DADDY loves snuggles). And remind him frequently what a good boy he is for his DADDY. And rub his head and back while he nurses on MY cock, or lays his head on MY chest, or buries his nose in MY pits, just because those are his happy places.

    I love to be the DAD who has done it all (quite literally) and loves to help his boys explore their sexually adventurous side and fulfill their most fucked up fantasies. . . . . And hold his hand while we explore his fantasies, so he knows he is safe because he is with his DAD.
  • How often do you travel? Do you prefer to travel or you are more of a homebody?
    I love to travel and enjoy a nice leisurely life. I am setting out to travel the country in MY travel trailer I built myself from the wheels up. It will be finished in a few weeks and I will leave Fort Lauderdale May 1st to adventure wherever life takes ME, with Montana as MY end goal!
  • What kind of diet and fitness regiment do you follow?
    I have not been to the gym since early 2020, and I eat like a kid. Good genetics and a love for being physically active and doing manual labor are what keep ME in great shape.
  • What makes you stand out from the crowd?
    I am unapologetically ME at all times. A big, hairy, masculine, redneck DADDY who works on his own truck, built his own home and can (McGyver) anything.
    I stand out in a gay bar and blend right in at a straight pool hall or biker bar.
    I am also a pacifist, a heathen, a heretic, a tree hugger and an affectionate, loving DAD to all MY boys.