Dear RentMen visitors, WhiteBread chose to answer 7 interview questions that were last updated on 23 Dec 2013


  • What kind of diet and fitness regiment do you follow?
    honestly, I don't have to diet at all. I eat what I want when I want. If I find myself gaining a few pounds and look in the mirror and don't like what I'm seeing, I don't run out and do the next fad diet. I simply tell myself I need to lose (or gain) a few pounds and within a week or two I generally have reached that goal without even thinking much about it. Weight lifting is very important part of physical health and must be incorporated as a lifestyle into everyones life. I don't even mean going to a gym regularly, but using your muscles regularly and challenging them regularly in whatever way works for you. Bottom line is muscle burns calories much faster than fat burns calories. The rest happens all by itself.
  • What’s your lifestyle? What makes you who you are?
    I have always been a longevity interested person, meaning from when I was a young kid of 5 years old and after I have observed the generations ahead of me in their lifestyles, listened to what elders say about health & beauty issues, especially my Nana who is way ahead of her time and still with us at 101 years old, bless her heart) and try to make lifestyle changes based on that info. So far, I think I'm holding up quite well compared to peeps of around my age and I know I can run rings around most of those 20 somethings out there. lol
  • What would you like your followers to know about you that is unique and even a bit personal?
    I appear a certain way in my pics that may turn some guys away but once those types of guys actually meet me (and there have been many of those instances) more often than not, they find I'm really a chilled person, easy to hang with and I'm often told I'm better than my pics (but not saying that I am, just based on repeated comments)
  • If you and I were on the beach having some wine and great food, what would you tell me about yourself.
    If I'm spending that kind of time with you first off, I would say let's go play and get off. I would warn them that under any conditions or state of mind, I need to eat and eat a lot. On that same note, I can fall asleep at anytime, even on a concrete slab. But don't think the date is over there...I always tell my partners or clients that if I ever do pass out on them to play with my nips. Apparently, I get rock hard, and past buds have rode my dick, blew their loads , etc and I don't have a lick of recollection of any of it. I think thats hot and really want someone to film that one day!
  • What should others absolutely know about you?
    I am very easy to talk to and not be afraid to ask or say anything. It takes a lot to offend me, nothing shocks me and I'm knowledgable in a lot of different realms of life and if I don't know the answer I will research it later and get back to you as soon as possible.
  • What do you enjoy most about yourself?
    meeting different types of guys and did I mention the $$$
  • Name 5 things that you can’t live without.
    money, chocolate, great sex, integrity, family (be it blood or extended)