Dear RentMen visitors, YoursBriefly chose to answer 16 interview questions that were last updated on 17 Dec 2015


  • How do you go that ‘extra mile' in your life?
    I wouldn't necessarily say it's "going the extra mile," but I believe that everyone should be polite and respectful. Have a little compassion and as the cliche says, "until you walk a mile in someone's shoes..."
  • What are your greatest personal traits?
    My smile is one I often get complemented and my physique is another. I am a passionate person and really like to make a person feel as if they are the most important person at that time.
  • If you have to pick one thing that everyone else should absolutely know about you, what would it be?
    I consider myself very loyal. I believe that love whether it's romantic or not, is forever and if I love someone in any capacity, I will be loyal to them. I have the same core group of friends from when I was in grade school and I'm close with my two exes. Now, do me wrong and we will have problems ?
  • What are your hobbies? What do you like to do in your spare time?
    I enjoy going to thrift stores and looking for/finding that diamond in the rough. I have an eBay store where I sell my finds - I get a rush when I find that item that someone gave away! I also love to explore urban spaces.
  • What is your ‘niche’?
    I would like to think I fill that boyfriend/guy next door void. I can be taken out and paraded as arm candy yet also have a deviant streak the can be entertaining - if I do say so.
  • What do you do for fun?
    I love to explore urban spaces. I also love to find a perch and just people watch.
  • Tell us what you consider to be your greatest life experience.
    My best experience is my life and it's not over yet...without pouring on the cliches, but life is what you make of it and there's a silverlining to everything. Ask me in 40 years ;-)
  • What makes you stand out from the crowd?
    I think my ability to relate to Anyone. My parents made sure we were well rounded and were exposed to almost everything
  • What would you like your followers to know about you that is unique and even a bit personal?
    I'm a cryer. Not just if I'm sad, but when I get emotional in general - it could be happiness, being melancholy, angry or confrontational. Once I had to fire a girl and my eyes were welled-up as I was talking with her - it looked like I was really upset that I had to let her go, when in reality the confrontation made my eyes water, which in turn angered me making my eyes water even more.
  • What kind of diet and fitness regiment do you follow?
    I get asked this often, but I have to say the minimum. I have some Dumbbells I keep in my bedroom and before bed each night I do 20-30 mins worth of exercises. I was blessed with great genes - both of my parents are athletic, lean and still very active. I'm never going to be a big person.
  • How often do you travel? Do you prefer to travel or you are more of a homebody?
    This is where I think I am unique. I absolutely love to travel - to see the world and learn as much about this planet as possible. I truly believe it's my raison d'être. However as I mentioned in an earlier question, I enjoy doing domestic/homemaker things around the house. So a good balance of the two will keep me smiling.
  • What’s your lifestyle? What makes you who you are?
    Well, I have my masters in urban planning and I have a day job where I utilize that degree. Also, I have a domestic side...I enjoy being a homemaker: I like to cook, keep a clean and well decorated home, garden.
  • If you and I were on the beach having some wine and great food, what would you tell me about yourself.
    Well, depending on if the wine was white or red, I'd explain that I shouldn't be drinking any red because it gives me heartburn. That aside, I think you would learn that I have been very fortunate and blessed. Sure, at times life has been difficult - but overall, I have family and friends that love me unconditionally and I have memories full of wisdom and laughter.
  • What do you enjoy most about yourself?
    Honestly, the element of surprise. When meeting someone for the first time, both of us are nervous and don't quite know what to expect. Adrenaline is rushing a bit and it's almost like opening a gift - you may have an idea of what's inside but you aren't quite sure.
  • What should others absolutely know about you?
    I feel that every client should know that I have a brain and I'm not afraid to use it.
  • Name 5 things that you can’t live without.
    1. My phone. This has everything but notably my music.
    2. My dog Max. He's such a good boy.
    3. My family. They are my everything.
    4. My intuition. It's gotten me this far and has yet to let me down.
    5. My memories. Who am I if I don't have my memories?