Dear RentMen visitors, AXELonlyfornow chose to answer 10 interview questions that were last updated on 16 Sep 2016


  • What should others absolutely know about you?
    We love our families. The realness of our lives may get lost in clients' minds but we still call our mom and our dad to see how their day sometimes week went or simply what they had for dinner. We're still good boys to our beloved families. After all, where would we be without the ones that love us the most, forever. 🤗
  • How often do you travel? Do you prefer to travel or you are more of a homebody?
    Vincent traveled all 48 states with his family. That was awesome. Alex has studied in Berlin and loved it. We're dying to travel more often and lots of places.
  • If you and I were on the beach having some wine and great food, what would you tell me about yourself.
    We love life! One in a ge-zillion chance our dad's sperm would meet our mom's ovaries. So we love it! That fateful chance made us, molded how we would look, how we would think and grow up and how we would decide to live. Try to have no regrets and if you do try to correct those regrets. There's been sibling fights and we swore we would never speak to each other again but where's the point in living life alone, there's none. So we learned to love ourselves in order to love the rest. This is how we view ourselves and we live our lives and yes the wine would bring all of this out.
  • Tell us what you consider to be your greatest life experience.
    Loving ourselves. It's true. One can not love another unless you love yourself, first. We understand each other, our parents, our siblings, our friends, our clients because we experienced loving ourselves first. We mentally put ourselves in place of the person we're trying to understand so that we know what he or she wants out of us. Whether it be hanging out, working out or ***ing. We all have to try to understand each other, it's the only way to learn, love and know the person were trying be close to.
  • What do you enjoy most about yourself?
    Our easiness and friendliness. Our smiles, essentially. We our very close to family and dear friends. We only have a handful of friends. In this Facebook era, we both do not use nor care to use any "friends" digital media. We love personal live, real people and encounters, hence we love being ***s because we actually get to meet you guys.
  • If you have to pick one thing that everyone else should absolutely know about you, what would it be?
    We're humans just as you. We eat, sleep, exercise, have sex, have family, have and love our dog, Felicia and work and need money just as we all do. This means that if our cost seems too much for you, talk to us. Explain why you think we deserve what you want to pay, just as you would explain in your job when you want or need something. We'll explain now why we choose to charge, $480: we're 2 young, cute, hot, extemely smart and best of all humble and nice guys and we drive anywhere and we do it all from top to bottom with all parties' satisfaction in mind. So if all you've got is your pension or SS income let us know that because we have parents that live off of this so we know-we are humans just as you.
  • What makes you stand out from the crowd?
    We don't care about working a 9-5 ordinary job. We'd rather confront life the way we do, with what life has given us to use. We find comfort in giving you guys a chance to have fun with cute and hot young Latins. There's something about a clients smile and look of satisfaction that makes us feel good about what we do. You guys get what you want and we get what we want, all while having fun.
  • What kind of diet and fitness regiment do you follow?
    Wholesome foods and regular exercise. Some days we run, others we spend cycling (biking) and yes we love to work out at Lifetime Fitness. We are Onyx members meaning we are able to meet and workout with any of you guys at absolutely any Lifetime gym. We pair up working out with Alex's twin sister and her girlfiriend, yes Alex and his twin sister both are gay, and we have fun hearing each other embarrassingly fart while doing core workouts! Oh and we also have ardiously made a great vitamin and supplements schedule for ourselves that go with our meals during our days. Body fat and weight have reduced dramatically since this summer 2015 when we really dedicated ourselves to a more sustainable way of living. Our relationship dynamics have also improved due to possibly our over all embetterment of our lives together. We went from, say a scale, a 3 to now almost a 9 in how we have learned to live with each other and yet keep our love growing which is ultimately the purpose of any relationship.
  • What would you like your followers to know about you that is unique and even a bit personal?
    We, Alex and Vincent, are live-in boyfriends and have been together since August 2011. It was love or huge-interest at first sight. Alex was already working this business and Vincent hopped right on once Alex told him his hobby. We are a great work team, one brings more of the actual ***ing work that comes along with replying to potential clients and always working for great deals for both you guys and us. The other brings the happier side of hooking up with clients. Always eager to meet and begin our fun time with you guys, our clients.
  • Name 5 things that you can’t live without.
    A dog for sure cats are okay and I hope to have a future pet pig (I hear they're just as smart as doggies)