Dear RentMen visitors, AmericanDomTop chose to answer 6 interview questions that were last updated on 26 Oct 2023


  • What are your greatest personal traits?
    Ambition: I'm relentless in pursuing my goals. Whether it's adding muscle, breaking a personal record, or conquering a new challenge, I push until I succeed.

    Discipline: Every rep, meal, and early morning is a testament to my unwavering discipline. It’s not about mood; it’s about commitment.

    Leadership: My innate ability to lead, guide, and inspire is something I cherish. I naturally take charge, not by overpowering, but by empowering.

    Loyalty: To those in my inner circle, I’m fiercely loyal. Their successes are mine and vice versa.

    Confidence: Built over years of self-growth and accomplishments. I own my space, radiating self-assured dominance wherever I go.
  • Name 5 things that you can’t live without.
    The Gym: It's not just a place; it's my sanctuary. The iron clang, the rhythm of controlled breaths, and the sweet pain of muscle exhaustion. It's where I push my limits, find solace, and craft my physique. Every weight lifted and every drop of sweat shed is a testament to my dedication.

    High-Protein Foods: My diet is my fuel, with proteins being the premium gas powering my machine. Chicken breasts, salmon, steaks, eggs, and whey protein shakes are essentials. They're not just meals; they're building blocks, each bite a brick adding to my fortress of muscle.

    Music: The right playlist can transform a good workout into an epic one. The thumping beats, soaring vocals, and electrifying instrumentals propel me through even the toughest sessions. But beyond the gym, music is my escape, my mood enhancer, my motivator.

    Challenges: Whether it's a heavier weight, a new fitness technique, or a personal life obstacle, challenges keep me driven. They're opportunities in disguise, pushing me to grow stronger, smarter, and more resilient. Without them, life would be static, and I'm all about progression.

    Support System: This includes my trainers, gym buddies, and those who share my lifestyle
  • What kind of diet and fitness regiment do you follow?
    Feed me, fueling my body is paramount. Every meal is calculated, not just for bulking, but to ensure maximum performance, growth, and recovery. I follow a high-calorie, protein-rich diet, making sure to intake around 4,000 calories daily. Breakfast often consists of eggs, lean meats, whole grains, and a protein shake. I don't shy away from carbs; oats, brown rice, and quinoa are staples, providing the energy needed for my rigorous workouts. Lunches and dinners feature lean meats - chicken, turkey, steak, and fish - alongside ample greens. Snacking is essential: nuts, protein bars, Greek yogurt, and occasional whey protein shakes keep me fueled.

    I hit the gym six days a week. Split routines are my go-to, focusing on different muscle groups each day, ensuring they get the attention they deserve. Compound movements like squats, deadlifts, and bench presses are core to my workouts. These are complemented by isolation exercises, targeting specific muscles for definition and growth.

    Rest is crucial. One day a week is reserved for recovery, accompanied by stretching and occasional yoga. It's not just about building size, but also maintaining flexibility and preventing injuries. Suppleme
  • What is your ‘niche’?
    Dominance is my niche, but not just any kind — it's a primal, instinctual force that courses through my veins. When I enter a room, there's an undeniable shift in the air, a gravitational pull that draws men into my orbit. I've always been the alpha, not because of some arbitrary title, but because of the raw energy I exude. My niche is taking command, guiding, mentoring, and sometimes controlling men who crave structure, discipline, and a strong hand. Physically, my stature is imposing, a living testament to hours of discipline and training. But what really sets me apart is the psychological depth I bring to my encounters. I don't just dominate; I explore the recesses of your mind, pushing boundaries while ensuring safety and consent. My niche is creating an experience that's transformative, awakening a side of you that's been yearning to be set free. If you're seeking superficial or fleeting, I'm not your guy. But if you're looking to journey into the depths of submission, to be truly seen and understood, then step into my world.
  • What’s your lifestyle? What makes you who you are?
    In the gym before dawn, asserting dominance oint he office by midday, and mastering the art of control by night — that's my routine. Discipline, determination, and an insatiable drive to be the best form the core of who I am. My lifestyle is one of rigorous training, both physically and mentally, to stay at the pinnacle of my power. Everything I consume, every activity I engage in, is aimed at honing my physique and mind. I'm no stranger to life's luxuries, but they're rewards, not givens. My leadership, whether in sports or the bedroom, is earned through relentless effort and an innate understanding of the dynamics of dominance and submission. Men flock to me, drawn by the potent blend of my physical prowess and commanding presence. But it's not just about physicality. I've studied the art of BDSM, delving deep into the psychology of power exchange to ensure every interaction is safe, consensual, and mutually gratifying.
  • What do you enjoy most about yourself?
    My natural dominance isn't just a choice, it's an integral part of my being. The way men are drawn to me, the manner in which they submit without a spoken word, is a testament to my irresistible presence. My keen sense for spotting those with a submissive streak, coupled with my unwavering confidence, ensures that I'm always in control. But beyond the physical and the dominant allure, I'm also proud of my ability to read and understand people on a deeper level. It's not just about asserting dominance; it's about creating an unbreakable bond built on trust, respect, and mutual satisfaction. My mind, as sharp as it is, thrives on the games of power dynamics, always pushing those under my control. The power isn't just in muscle; it's in the mental dance of domination and submission, a ballet I've mastered over the years. The look of awe, respect, and sometimes even fear in the eyes of men who approach me is intoxicating.