Dear RentMen visitors, HRHofPleasure chose to answer 16 interview questions that were last updated on 17 Apr 2024


  • If you and I were on the beach having some wine and great food, what would you tell me about yourself.
    I'd tell you that there's nothing like it anywhere like in Guardamar Spain
  • Name 5 things that you can’t live without.
    Pepsi, candy, kiwis, family, and acknowledgment.
  • If you have to pick one thing that everyone else should absolutely know about you, what would it be?
    I've saved 7 different peoples lives and 1 dogs life. Each of them alive because of my background in science.
  • What are your hobbies? What do you like to do in your spare time?
    I like to cook, play soccer, run on the beach.
  • How do you go that ‘extra mile' in your life?
    I push myself as to exceed expectations and break barriers in all walks of life.
  • What do you do for fun?
    Reading books, stamp collecting, paint, watercolor, dance, shop, and coin collecting.
  • Tell us what you consider to be your greatest life experience.
    Going to Europe and seeing we're I come from.
  • What makes you stand out from the crowd?
    I'm pretty tall lol
  • What are your greatest personal traits?
    Genuine, funny, intelligent, compassionate, nurturing, tough, passionate, and loving.
  • What is your ‘niche’?
    Alien superstar
  • How often do you travel? Do you prefer to travel or you are more of a homebody?
    I travel whenever I have the opportunity to. I love to travel and am very good about doing so with a very tight budget.
  • What kind of diet and fitness regiment do you follow?
    I work out 5 times a week and my diet consists of organic foods and vitamins.
  • What’s your lifestyle? What makes you who you are?
    Im a scholar and a gentleman. I was raised right.
  • What should others absolutely know about you?
    I give back to people living in the streets. I found that it helps me to provide random acts of kindness as well.
  • What would you like your followers to know about you that is unique and even a bit personal?
    I am close to finishing my chemistry degree.
  • What do you enjoy most about yourself?
    The philosopher in me