Dear RentMen visitors, MaxEffort_SD chose to answer 7 interview questions that were last updated on 22 Apr 2022


  • If you and I were on the beach having some wine and great food, what would you tell me about yourself.
    We would be talking about the universe and nature. I would want to discuss life and our experience!

    Let’s get to know each other, share a moment
  • What’s your lifestyle? What makes you who you are?
    I am a pretty active guy, I love being outside basking in the sun. Spending hours naked in the sand and trees.

    I am a coach and love to move. You want to fulfill your trainer fantasy, let me take you through a rewarding workout session.
  • Name 5 things that you can’t live without.
    The gym, food, and massage.
  • What are your hobbies? What do you like to do in your spare time?
    I am a huge nature guy. I grew up in the woods and like to spend as much time escaping the city to roll in some dirt as frequently as possible. If you’re interested in hiking and camping come with me to the forest fans we can hang out like they do it like they do on the discover channel.
  • What should others absolutely know about you?
    I love meeting new people and experiencing others. Allow me a moment to share some time with you and I can assure you that our experience together will be the highlight of your day.
  • What kind of diet and fitness regiment do you follow?
    I hold a strict regiment for fitness and body maintainence. I train almost daily spending time sculpting my body in attempts to reach Persian Perfection. <br />
    Sleep being the most important, I do slack in. I have a tendency to put pleasure as priority. ;)
  • How often do you travel? Do you prefer to travel or you are more of a homebody?
    I love to travel. I don’t get to go too often but given the opportunity love to explore the world. Don’t get me wrong tho, sit me on the couch and cuddle under a blanket in front of a warm fire over wine is the best thing after a long day.