Dear RentMen visitors, SFJake chose to answer 6 interview questions that were last updated on 06 Mar 2023


  • What are your hobbies? What do you like to do in your spare time?
    I usually go to leather events at the Eagle and help out! Fundraising for things like HIV de-stigmatization and sexual awareness is what makes it all the more better, and helping the SF leather community makes it all the better!

    Other than that, love just going to cafes, sitting down and relaxing. Makes days worth it, and I do believe that the mind needs rest very often. So going to get a drink, sitting down, and enjoying your food and taking in the environment is a very accessible way to just relax.
  • What should others absolutely know about you?
    I am one energetic person! It carries on even into the bedroom! Think of me like a playful boy always wanting more, and always encouraging you to go even further and further.
  • What is your ‘niche’?
    I'd definitely say my niche would probably be being incredibly well-versed in kink and fetish. I've been kinky since I was 13, and went full-on into being a sub at the age of 18.

    I've met so many incredible people in the kink community, and have been very open-minded to being educated about it. I was just so fascinated by it, that it quickly became sort of my lifestyle, a 'kinkster', if you will.

    So, if you ever need knowledge or need to ask questions about kinks or want to explore those avenues, I'll help ya! I'll do my best to inform you about them as well, since some of them can be real intimidating! Always glad to introduce people to kink and fetish, with safe practice and experience, it can be real intense.
  • What do you enjoy most about yourself?
    I think the more and more I go about my days, the more and more I realize that enjoying the moment is one of the best feelings out there. It just feels so good to simply look at the beautiful SF scenery and just stare a while.

    That acute sense of appreciating the natural environment, and the complex factors that go into each and every thing that you see in front of you, makes life feel a little more vibrant and energetic each day.
  • What makes you stand out from the crowd?
    Ever since I was a kid, I always sympathized and had empathy for others. I always knew I never wanted to emotionally harm or damage anybody in any way, shape, or form. If I did mess up, I'd want to correct my mistakes as much as I can, and will always think back on it.

    As such, I found myself loving to take care of others, it always gave me such a good feeling to see someone happy. Always going the extra mile to meetup with someone, or always making sure that their needs are met.

    I've come to also realize over time just simple wording and phrases affect people, and nowadays I try my best as possible to be communicative and listening to everyone.
  • What’s your lifestyle? What makes you who you are?
    My lifestyle is a little on the plainer side, but rather because I love taking the time to enjoy the little things in life. I love seeing just how beautiful the landscape in SF is, with extraordinary scenery and vivant, almost painterly like colors, its no wonder that I'm enamored with just simply enjoying the sun and relaxing. With just a little coffee and treats, that's all I need to really get by.

    On the flipside, do I love my kink. Have known I was quite kinky ever since I was young, and now I'm a fully embraced kinkster, always ready to partake in events and pleasure other men. I know what I want, and yet, I keep finding more things to experience, I love it, and meeting all the people in the kink community just gets better and better.