Dear RentMen visitors, TylerWalker chose to answer 16 interview questions that were last updated on 26 Mar 2023


  • If you and I were on the beach having some wine and great food, what would you tell me about yourself.
    I would tell you all about the shenanigans my friends and I got into in our 20’s and we would laugh and laugh about the stupid things we did together. We were wild. But we had a blast and made it out the other side with some great stories and a few choice photographs too hahaha.
  • If you have to pick one thing that everyone else should absolutely know about you, what would it be?
    I sleep naked and have for as long as I can remember.
  • What are your hobbies? What do you like to do in your spare time?
    I think my first hobbies was baking. I have a real sweet tooth so it only made sense.

    I like coin collecting - I have two pennies from the 1800’s and one that's a mis-cast that started me on my way. Fishing of course. Is learning German a hobby? Rollerblading once the weather is nice, it might border on addiction for that one though. I've got 3 pairs of roller blades haha
  • How do you go that ‘extra mile' in your life?
    I've always tried to push myself. When I was a gymnast that meant being more flexible than anyone in my class. Not to be a show off, but because I wanted to push my limitations and see if I could better myself.

    In school I wanted to know as much as I could about each topic so I could answer all my teachers questions. (also I'm a little ADD - hyper focus- look it up it's a thing) Because I loved having the chance to discuss a subject in an informed way with someone more knowledgeable than myself.

    In work I have a hunger to learn in order to pass the knowledge on to others and see them succeed. I think back to my mom’s science teacher investing in me and acting as a mentor, I want be that for others.
  • What do you do for fun?
    I love to host people at my home. I usually cook, we have a couple drinks and laugh about old times and make plans for the next excursion as a group.

    Community is important to me. I grew up with my cousins and friends always near by so I truly value having my friends and family close to me.

    I also love stand up comedy shows, a good deep house dance party, dining out at delicious new restaurants and going to estate sales.
  • Tell us what you consider to be your greatest life experience.
    I would say to date my greatest life experience was spending a week with my mom’s high school science teacher learning how to fly fish. He was such a calm and patient teacher. He taught me to get in touch with my quiet meditative side. Whenever I'm feeling worked up over something I know I can unwind and regroup by getting on the water.

    He taught me to cast, retrieve as if I was a bug skirting across the water and even got me to tie my own flies. I was so proud when I caught my first two pounder. It was an amazing mentoring experience for me and a pivotal moment in the foundation of my love for the outdoors.
  • What makes you stand out from the crowd?
    My laugh.

    It sets me apart because it's very uninhibited. I love to laugh and surround myself with witty people. I love puns (I know ugh insert dad joke reference here) but to me it’s a sign of a quick mind. If your interested in a good example of what makes me chuckle check out - O. Henry Pun Off Punniest in Show - my sides ache.

    Beyond that I get a fair number of comments about my light-coloured eyes that contrast my darker hair colour. I don't notice eyes at all though. I'm a shoulders and ass man. Damn a man with a good butt will get me to do anything and everything, all he has to do is walk around with a jock strap framing his butt cheeks and will loose it.
  • What are your greatest personal traits?
    I would have to say my sense of humour and being able to quickly pivot and change direction when it's imperative to do so. Life is too precious to waste time holding a grudge or trying to force your will on the inevitable.

    My motto is “be open” which means I don't go into a situation with my mind already made up. I want to allow life and those I come in contact with the opportunity to be exactly who and what they are. Not imposing my ideas of who I think they are, should or could be.

    As I've grown through my 30’s, I've come to the realization that we are all imperfect beings and that those imperfections and scars are what make us unique.

    I try to own my shortcomings and I'm learning how to become a better version of myself than I was the day before.

    If you want to talk about my favourite authors and inspirational people in my life I'm an open book.
  • What kind of diet and fitness regiment do you follow?
    I grew up spending all my holidays as a child on my grandmother's farm. So for me meals need to have veggies, protein, starch, a little sauce and a healthy portion of fruit. I love mandarin oranges, you wouldn't believe how many I can eat, but I will always choose a good watermelon as my favourite fruit.

    I was a gymnast growing up. Too much energy for my parents to handle so they figured I should bounce it out. Floor and trampoline were my best disciplines.

    Now I love hiking, indoor rock climbing, rollerblading and kayaking to name a few.
  • How often do you travel? Do you prefer to travel or you are more of a homebody?
    I travel as much as I can, a new adventure...sign me up.

    My wanderlust began at age 20 when I did a gap year program in Europe. I visited Germany, Switzerland, France, Italy, Croatia and Ireland during my time abroad. The ease of travel in Europe is so freeing. Just book a last minute flight or train and you have your weekend plans set.

    I love travelling with my clients especially if I can use my German (day to day fluency, but I'm brushing up on it) and find us some truly authentic experiences to take part in.

    If you want to take me to your favourite city I'm always looking for new places to discover. Let's talk about your top destinations.
  • What would you like your followers to know about you that is unique and even a bit personal?
    I have a thing for pushing my limits when it comes to the boundary of my own pain/pleasure tolerance. My balls love to get roughed up and ask me about what gets my dick really hard.
  • What should others absolutely know about you?
    I'm an outdoorsy guy. I love to fish, camp, hike, kayak. I am a trained chocolatier, and to a lesser extent pastry chef.
  • What is your ‘niche’?
    I'm a switch which means I am both a dominant top and can switch on a dime to be the sub when the moment calls for it.

    I love figuring out with my clients how to unlock their true sexual selves. I had a very conservative upbringing, but when i was able to open up and realize my true sexual potential I was blown away by the connections I was able to have with my partners. My wish is that each one of us can experience this sexual awakening and share that gift with others.

    I'm bisexual and I love talking to other guys on their journey of exploration. Life is meant to be enjoyed so don't limit yourself to a cookie cutter of everyone else.
  • What’s your lifestyle? What makes you who you are?
    I love music, especially uptempo deep house as well as listening to my favourite authors on Audible.

    I try to get out and enjoy nature, soaking up the sunshine as much as possible. You can talk to me about fishing all day.

    I love good food and good company so you will often find me out for dinner with friends at one of our favourite restaurants, (my favourite cuisine is French). Side note if you are visiting Calgary we can chat about my top dining picks in the city.

    Other than that, I try to leave every person I meet with a few more good vibes then before we crossed paths.
  • What do you enjoy most about yourself?
    My sense of humor being able to get people in a good mood makes me happier top. Also my light hearted approach to life.
  • Name 5 things that you can’t live without.